Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Immigration Amnesty Or Amnesia - 1305 Words

Immigration: Amnesty or Amnesia Immigrants cross the American border with hope of a better life so; the subject of illegal immigration is greatly debated topic in the United States. With all things considered illegal immigrations affects everyone. These undocumented people can be a neighbor, a waiter, or even a housekeeper. The controversy behind illegal immigrants is whether or not they should be reprimanded for violations of immigration laws. According to the Arizona Sentinel Newspaper, illegal immigrants should be granted amnesty because they are mostly law-abiding, tax paying, and hard-working people. However, one author by the name of Thomas Sowell disagrees. Sowell claims that illegal immigration laws make a mockery of the justice†¦show more content†¦Sowell is mindful of the fact that illegal immigration is a problem, and that there is virtually no way possible to find every undocumented alien in America. Nevertheless, he asserts that there is also no way possible to find other criminals that commit other illegalities such as drunk driving, assault, and loitering. Yet, Sowell points out that the law is enforced more on these acts of crime. The Arizona Sentinel simply answers that allowing these illegal immigrants amnesty can actually help reduce crime, because the great majority of aliens want to live in the country to work rather than commit more crime and create societal uproar. The Arizona Sentinel also makes a strong argument that immigration is a legal right, considering the fact that America was founded by colonies that migrated from England, France and Spain. America is called the â€Å"The Melting Pot† for that reason. The land was taken from the indigenous people and westernized and colonized by immigrants. Although there were no immigration laws at the time, it proves the point that immigrating is a â€Å"natural right inherent to our humanity†. The articles states that the idea that immigrations needs to be approved by a country founded on immigrants i s a mockery to the foundation of America’s existence. Here the main overall point is that America would not be what it is today with immigration, Americans have no right to take the natural right away. Where would America be if the natives had

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