Thursday, December 26, 2019

Desmond Tutu s Impact On Society - 1464 Words

Desmond Tutu brings hope for goodness, reconciliation, and honesty to humanity. He is a defining example for an Architect of Hope. In the last 85 years and counting, this man has been through the struggle time after time. He has lived through sickness, harassment, and a sickening form of racism in the apartheid period South Africa. Through these difficult times, he stuck to his beliefs and remained a peaceful man. As a result, Desmond Tutu s impact on society has and will continue to inspire good-hearted people to take action on their beliefs. â€Å"Desmond Tutu was born on October 7, 1931, in Klerksdorp, South Africa.† (Encyclopedia Brittanica Editors- Desmond Tutu) Desmond Tutu lived in a multi ethnic household, where there were 3 different†¦show more content†¦When he first saw him, Trevor paid great respect to Tutu and his mother. Despite being a small act, it made a big difference in Tutu’s outlook towards white people. In an interview with Sir David frost in 2013, Desmond Tutu says that he still has never forgotten that moment, and has credited Trevor’s influence for many of his accomplishments. (The Early Influence of Father Trevor Huddleston -Archbishop Desmond Tutu) At a young age, Desmond Tutu got tuberculosis, a serious, life threatening sickness. Treatment would be painful, but luckily doctors detected it early so he had a plan for recovery. All throughout this near death experience, Tutu found comfort in God, and gained a tremendous support from Trevor Huddleston, the priest who inspired him initially. After a grueling time in the hospital, Desmond Tutu was released from the hospital at 16 (Crompton 14-16). While many may call this an unlucky mishap, Desmond Tutu came out of the experience grateful, and appreciating life much more than had he not gone through pain. Desmond Tutu’s experience with pain is hopeful and inspiring in the fact that it actually changed himself for the better. It resonated with me personally because I always thought that pain was a bad thing and that it should be avoided at all costs. But after reading about DesmondShow MoreRelatedThe Struggle You re Today Is Developing The Strength You Need For Tomorrow805 Wo rds   |  4 PagesStated by Robert tew, â€Å"the struggle you re in today is developing the strength you need for tomorrow† ( Today, our society isn’t exactly called â€Å"ideal†. From people who moribund from starvation to millions of animals killed every year in cruel, inhuman science experiments. One girl named Malala is famous for her act of preventing a revolting rule of females to not be allowed to have an education. Besides that, women are also not allowed to hear music, watch TV or internet, not flyRead MoreCivil Disobedience: Cost of Change1469 Words   |  6 Pagesthe government’s idea is immoral and unfair. It is a way to make a change in law or policy and to take action in a non-violent resistance. 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